O Capoeira E O Péscador (Maré Me Leva)

Boa Voz

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz

A vida do Capoeira É como a do péscador A onda balança o barco E a ginga o jogador

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz

A noite olho as estrelas Para me orientar Bom Jesus dos navegantes Ė quem me guia pélo mar

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz

O vento soprou nas velas Carregando a minha nau Na roda da Capoeira Quem me guia é o berimbau

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz

Âs vezes a pesca é boa Âs vezes o jogo é bom Mas quando nada dá certo Eu volto a tentar então

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz

Na rede vem a traira Um peixe que morder a māo Na roda brilhá a navalhá E o cinco Salomão

Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz Maré me leva e maré me traz


The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me

The life of a capoeirista Is like that of a fisherman The wave rocks the boat And the ginga rocks the player

The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me

At night I look at the stars To guide me Sweet Jesus of the mariners It’s who guides me at sea

The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me

The wind blew the sails Loading my ship In the Capoeira roda What guides me is the berimbau

The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me

Sometimes the fishing is good Sometimes the game is good But when nothing is right I’ll come back and try again

The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me

In the net comes a traira A fish that bites the hand In the roda shines the razor And the cinco Salomāo

The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me The tide takes me and the tide brings me